A Day In The Life Of .... A Liaison Officer from Cambodia

Chantra Roeurn works for lendwithcare's microfinance partner in Cambodia, the Cambodian Community Savings Federation (CCSF), and has taken time out of his busy schedule to tell us a little about his work & life 

Chantra Roeurn © CARE

1. How long have you been working for your organisation?
I have been working for my organisation since 17 April 2011.
2. What time does your day start?
For my work, I need to start from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm for the morning and 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm as in the     
3. Do you work in an office or spend time out of the office visiting entrepreneurs?
For this work I need to visit entrepreneurs so often to get the information and then come back to compose their profiles again. 
4. What means of transport do you use to visit the entrepreneurs?
To visit the entrepreneurs and the better mean of transport for me is using motorbike. Using this motorbike is better mean as the road in Cambodia is not good anymore in the countryside.
5. How many people do you work with?
For this job, I need to work with CBMIFO's (Community Based Microfinance Organizations) staff as they can guide me to visit directly the entrepreneurs' home or their farm.
6. What is your office/town like?
My office is simple with one computer and one desk which will be enble to compose their profiles.
7. What time do you go home?
As well as after I left the work, I need to take the rest time to study Chinese Language from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm as everyday.
8. What do you do in the evening?
After already eaten dinner with my parents, I also spend around two hours to watch TV programs such as International News from CNN, BBC or ChannelNewsasia and Chinese Channel to improve for my listening both in English and Chinese.
9. What do you like about your job?
Since I have been part of this project, I feel comfortable  and for this job is really great as I can visit the entrepreneurs' home and then I could know the really situation of the entrepreneurs' family economic, know about their business on the good process or not, especially when I visit them in the second time to update entrepreneurs. I am really happy when I can visit them so often.
10. What is difficult about your job?
For my job is not any difficult, but it is just a little as during rainy season I can't visit them as the road is muddy as the result I couldn't visit them like I expect.
Compiled by Nancy Thomas, Lendwithcare Executive & Chantra Roeurn, CCSF Liaison Officer 
If you have any questions you would like put to our partners overseas for this blog series please email info@lendwithcare.org with the subject title 'A day in the life of blog'.


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